Navigating the Lyght dashboard with ease has been one of our main focuses throughout the development process. Without a simple system in place, how can you possibly hope to accomplish anything? As such, the Project Dashboard is made to suit the needs of you and your team.
The dashboard is the first screen you see after a new project is created or after clicking on an existing project’s name from the Project List. Here, you have flexible control over each project with a unique, comprehensive Dashboard.
You can update just about any piece of information about your project, like adding an overview, appending a scope of work, and even changing your project’s color. But at its core, the Dashboard is simply a better way to provide an overview of important details and evaluate your project’s progress.
1. Start by going to the Project List by clicking on “projects” in the navigation menu on the left.
2. Next, click on a project’s name from the Project List.
If you haven’t yet made your first project, then what are you waiting for? Click here to see how! Whether you clicked on an existing project’s name or created your first one just now, the Dashboard is the first of several important pages you see.
3. From the details widget on the left of the page, there are a variety of fields you can fill out:
4. The Monthly Budget Utilization widget is designed to give you a quick synopsis of the time you have left, so you can make an informed decision with your time. You can also click on "See Time logs" to view a more specific report.
5. You can quickly see how much time has been logged to this project here. We have also included a recommendation based on the total time your project has.
6, You can also see either a monthly or weekly report, graphing the total time your team has logged to the project. These critical insights can help empower you to complete projects better.
7. The Recent Activity widget is your place to see all the snippets of team activity.
Any activity related to a story is monitored here. You can click the name to view that story’s information.